Austria / Lower Austria / Arbesthal
Total capacity: 150 persons | Capacity in the biggest room: 200 persons | 3500 m² Exhibition area
4 Conference rooms
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Austria / Steiermark / Burgau
Total capacity: 150 persons | Capacity in the biggest room: 150 persons | 238 m² Exhibition area
2 Conference rooms | 22 Hotel rooms
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Austria / Upper Austria / St. Wolfgang
Total capacity: 300 persons | Capacity in the biggest room: 300 persons | 790 m² Exhibition area
9 Conference rooms
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Austria / Lower Austria / Kapelln
Total capacity: 500 persons | Capacity in the biggest room: 400 persons
8 Conference rooms | 24 Hotel rooms
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Austria / Vienna / Vienna (City)
Total capacity: 2500 persons | Capacity in the biggest room: 1275 persons | 2000 m² Exhibition area
6 Conference rooms
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