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Conference room | ![]() |
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Exhibition space | ![]() |
Jesuitensaal | 600 | 500 | 300 | - | 600 | 600 | 800 m2 | |
Säulenhalle | 250 | - | - | - | 320 | 600 | 600 m2 | |
Science Cafe | 120 | 60 | 30 | - | 120 | 120 | 340 m2 | |
Aula Lounge | 120 | 80 | 30 | - | 100 | 120 | 340 m2 |
Information Conference Rooms
- wifi
- air conditioning
- rooms can be darkened
- accessibility
Airport: Vienna 20km
Train station: Wien Westbahnhof 5km
Next public transport: 50m
The venue is located in walking distance to St. Sephans Cathedral, in the middle of one of Viennas most spectacular shopping streets, the Wollzeile.
Dating back to the 17th century, the building with it’s lecture halls was originally used by the university. At a later date, the classrooms were used by the “Akademische Gymnasium”. At the top floor, the early baroque building has accommodated the impressive hall of the Jesuit theatre from the very beginning. During the 18th century the “Wiener Zeitung”– the oldest daily newspaper in the world – had its editorial department on these highly traditional premises, and also the Austrian State Printing House had its home there. After the complete renovation and restoration of the building (2003–2006), the historic premises with their pillars, arches and vaulted ceilings have retained their natural atmosphere, while intensifying the dialogue with the present. Spacious glass surfaces provide the kind of transparency that is also inherent in state-of-the-art science: progressive, open, an escape from the elitist, intellectual ivory tower. A knowledge-based information society needs meeting places that stimulate communication and understanding among companies, research institutes and interest groups. The Aula der Wissenschaften is such a place for the exchange of ideas. As a communication site, it aims to bring about collaboration that transcends subject boundaries and involves different occupational groups. As a central nodal point, it serves to bring together protagonists from the political, business and scientific fields and spans social networks.
Train station: Wien Westbahnhof 5km
Next public transport: 50m
The venue is located in walking distance to St. Sephans Cathedral, in the middle of one of Viennas most spectacular shopping streets, the Wollzeile.
Dating back to the 17th century, the building with it’s lecture halls was originally used by the university. At a later date, the classrooms were used by the “Akademische Gymnasium”. At the top floor, the early baroque building has accommodated the impressive hall of the Jesuit theatre from the very beginning. During the 18th century the “Wiener Zeitung”– the oldest daily newspaper in the world – had its editorial department on these highly traditional premises, and also the Austrian State Printing House had its home there. After the complete renovation and restoration of the building (2003–2006), the historic premises with their pillars, arches and vaulted ceilings have retained their natural atmosphere, while intensifying the dialogue with the present. Spacious glass surfaces provide the kind of transparency that is also inherent in state-of-the-art science: progressive, open, an escape from the elitist, intellectual ivory tower. A knowledge-based information society needs meeting places that stimulate communication and understanding among companies, research institutes and interest groups. The Aula der Wissenschaften is such a place for the exchange of ideas. As a communication site, it aims to bring about collaboration that transcends subject boundaries and involves different occupational groups. As a central nodal point, it serves to bring together protagonists from the political, business and scientific fields and spans social networks.
Type of event
- seminar / conference
- company event
- congress / fair
- christmas party
- gala dinner
- wedding
- modern / stylish
- upper class / elegant
- stylemix / fancy
- classic / imperial