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Conference room Theatre Classroom U-Shape Boardroom Banquet Cocktail Exhibition space Daylight
Hofstallung 350 170 - - 300 540 370 m2
Lounge 100 50 20 - 100 150 172 m2
Kino 100 - - - - 120 m2

Information Conference Rooms

  • wifi
  • air conditioning
  • rooms can be darkened
  • accessibility
  • stage system
  • sound System

General information

  • public parking (subject to a charge)

Airport: Vienna 20km
Train station: 4km   
Next public transport: 0,1km

mumok is located in Vienna's Museumsquartier, one of the city's livliest cultural centers, directly next to the first district of the city.

The great hall is in the oval tract of the historic building complex. The painting by Otto Zitko covering the arched ceiling, the original marble troughs all seen in the light of chandeliers designed by Joseph Zehrer create a perfect synthesis of the old and the new.
The Lounge is a bright, transparent space with a unique view of the latest exhibition below in the domed hall, setting a refined stage both for gala dinners and for lectures and symposia. 
The mumok cinema was designed by the Austrian artist Heimo Zobernig and can seat over a hundred people. The space has its own independent entryway and foyer that provide a more relaxed environment to meet after or during the presentations.

Type of event

  • seminar / conference
  • company event
  • congress / fair
  • christmas party
  • gala dinner
  • wedding
  • private party / birthday party
  • outdoor event / team building


  • modern / stylish
  • upper class / elegant
  • stylemix / fancy

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