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Conference room | ![]() |
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Exhibition space | ![]() |
Reithalle | 970 | 800 | - | - | 750 | 970 | 1400 m2 | |
Festsaal | 200 | 80 | 70 | - | - | - | 200 m2 | |
Billardzimmer | 50 | 40 | 26 | - | 40 | 60 | 70 m2 | |
Prinz-Eugen-Saal | 200 | - | 150 | - | 20 | 250 | 365 m2 | |
Orangerie | 250 | 120 | 80 | - | 170 | 260 | 267 m2 | |
Tenne | 120 | - | 80 | - | 100 | 120 | 243 m2 | |
Topfgärtnerei | 50 | - | 26 | - | - | 60 | 76 m2 | |
Seminarraum 1 | 65 | 40 | 30 | - | - | - | 73 m2 | |
Seminarraum 2 | 45 | 30 | 20 | - | - | - | 51 m2 |
Information Conference Rooms
- in-house catering
- rooms can be darkened
- accessibility
General information
- public parking (free of charge)
Airport: Vienna 43km
Train station: Marchegg 5km
Next public transport: 5km
The unique baroque castle and gardens Schloss Hof are situated in the eastern part of the March field. You can reach Schloss Hof via airport motorway A4 (exit Fischamend), B9 (towards Hainburg) and the B49, or by public transport S-Bahn to Marchegg or bus).
In the 18th century prince Eugene of Savoy commissioned the famous architect Lukas von Hildebrand with the construction of a representative country estate. Later, under the rule of Maria Theresa, the marvellous baroque ensemble that had been created was a hot spot for prominent figures, science and politics and the location of grand festivities – at top location of baroque times.
Train station: Marchegg 5km
Next public transport: 5km
The unique baroque castle and gardens Schloss Hof are situated in the eastern part of the March field. You can reach Schloss Hof via airport motorway A4 (exit Fischamend), B9 (towards Hainburg) and the B49, or by public transport S-Bahn to Marchegg or bus).
In the 18th century prince Eugene of Savoy commissioned the famous architect Lukas von Hildebrand with the construction of a representative country estate. Later, under the rule of Maria Theresa, the marvellous baroque ensemble that had been created was a hot spot for prominent figures, science and politics and the location of grand festivities – at top location of baroque times.
In this fascinating ensemble formed by the splendid palace, the historical gardens and the idyllic manor you can find the perfect locations for all kinds of events.
Not only offers Schloss Hof palace your guests the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of big city live, it also makes your event unforgettable.
Type of event
- seminar / conference
- company event
- congress / fair
- christmas party
- gala dinner
- wedding
- private party / birthday party
- outdoor event / team building
- traditional / rustic
- upper class / elegant
- classic / imperial